Getting Started

Obtaining Your Marriage License

Congratulations! You're getting married. One of the things you're going to need is a marriage license.

To obtain a marriage license in Ohio, you must:

1) Apply to the county courthouse where you reside, or if neither of you resides in Ohio, you'll need to go to the courthouse in the county
    where your marriage will be solemnized. (You don't have to be a permanent resident.)
2) Be at least 16 years old. (16 or 17 year olds must have parental consent.)
3) Not currently be married.

You'll need to bring the following documents to the courthouse and both of you must appear in person.

1) Proof of identification and age...a driver's license, an Ohio state-issued ID, or a passport. (if your current address is not listed on this
    document, additional proof of residency is required.) Applicants under 21 years of age must also show either their original or a certified
    copy of their birth certificate.
2) If either of you has been previously married, you'll need to bring along the appropriate death certificate or divorce decree. 

In Ohio, a marriage license is valid for 60 days from the date it's issued by the court. You must get married within that 60 day time frame.
If you do'll need to return to the court and apply for a new license.

The court clerk will give you a Marriage License packet containing several items. You'll give that packet to me and I'll complete and sign
your Marriage Certificate on the day of your ceremony. I'll leave that certificate with you, (no witnesses are required) and I'll file the other
form with the Clerk of Courts in the county where it was issued.


Writing Your Own Vows

Many of the couples I work with have written parts of the vows themselves, or have things they wish to say to each in addition to the
traditional vows...and I think it always adds a nice touch to their ceremony.

They can be long or short, deeply personal or light and fun loving. What's most important is to speak from your heart and soul.

I'm always happy to include a couples own words in the ceremonies I officiate...and sometimes there's a lot of tears or laughter involved...
but that's a good thing, they make every ceremony more intimate and personal.


If In Doubt...Check

If you're hiring an independent wedding officiant, it may be a good idea to check their credentials. They will be able to show you their
license as provided to them by the State of Ohio. If they can't...find someone else.

I'm happy to show you the Authority to Solemnize Marriages certificate issued to me by the State of Ohio.

You can also check the Ohio Secretary of State's wedding officiant database.

